Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Back To School

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." ~Chinese Proverb

A week from today our girls return to school. Charis is heading in to Primary 6, Niamh in to Primary 3. I'd like to say they are excited about it but at the moment they are still enjoying the days full of nothing but fun, swings, the sea and cats!

This year Charis though is particularly aware that she has two sisters who are not there. She has been speaking a lot about that Alex, who would be 8 now, would be going in to Primary 4, and Eilidh Beth who is 5 in a month would be starting Primary 1 with Miss McVicar.  As a fellow bereaved Mum pointed out, there seems to be a lot of us this year thinking "what if" and with a sadness in our hearts that our wee ones are not where they should be, in our homes and preparing for school. 

I've been accused of being morose in talking about my children who have passed as much as I do. But I refuse to stop talking about my Heavenly children - you may not see them but they are very much alive on our hearts and minds and I thank God, at whose feet they sit, that's family feels free enough to chat about them in every day conversation. Just as I am proud of every achievement Charis and Niamh make, I am equally proud of our Heavenly girls and will continue to do that for as long as I have breath in my body. 

Nor will I allow anyone make me feel guilty for sharing my Heavenly girls. Yes, it is upsetting to hear someone talking about a baby who died, even more upsetting to see their picture, and I'm sorry if my sharing upsets you. But as upsetting as it is for others to hear us talk about what happened, put yourself in our shoes and think how you would feel looking at your family and knowing that it is incomplete. With every week, month, season and year that passes, we are left with scattered memories of the child we still dearly love, and who is a part of our very soul and being. 

So as we return to the school run next week, as we wave our children off at the school gates, let's also think about the Mums, Dads & grandparents who in their minds eye are wondering what it would be like to be waving at the child who never came home. 

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Day 2 ~ Summer of 2015

Well, Day 2 did not quite go to plan! What should of been a day of church then work for me and beach for the girls did not turn out like that!

I woke in the morning to Niamh asking for my phone. 10 minutes later I had the worst headache I've ever experienced and then started vomiting & felt like I was sitting in the Sahara Desert!

After a few phonecalls back and fore to NHS24 they decided to have me taken in to hospital by ambulance. It took a wee bit longer than we thought to get to us and it transpired they had been sent from Glencoe. A bit of a delay while they checked if they had to first go to Barcaldine for a ladder accident but then we were away. Felt heart sorry for the girls. 

My cup in A&E was a tad ironic!

Long story short is that bloods came back as normal, urine didn't and CT scan of my head was fine. But erring in the side of caution the consultant wants to do a lumber puncture tomorrow. Ugh!

And to add insult to injury my veins wouldn't play ball so the drip is hooked up to my tummy!

Had a lovely visit from Mum, Andrew & the girls this evening - poor Charis was so much quieter than normal, Niamh just seems to take everything in her stride. Charis brought me Rose Quartz, the healing stone ... sweet lass!

So much for getting stuck in to the housework tomorrow! Some folk will do anything to get out of tidying!!

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Day 1 ~ Summer of 2015

Day 1 of the Summer Holidays started slooooowly! Charis still has an awful cough, throat and is still complaining of a sore tummy.

The girls decided they wanted to go swimming & snorkelling at Ganavan ... despite the temperature only reaching 17 degrees Celcius. Joy! So we packed some snacks, picked up Noni & headed to the beach. 

The girls had a fantastic afternoon, though the water was cold so I wasn't inclined to do much swimming, walking in to chest level was enough for me! 

We were really annoyed though at the amount of dog owners ignoring their dog's poo on the beach, one woman just kicked sand over it. And one dog blooming peed on our food bag, much to my disgust! If you cannot get your dog to obey you then don't let it off the lead. 

Anyway, it was a lovely afternoon, despite the icy feel to the water!

Each day is precious, each moment with those we love must be cherished. 

Friday, 4 April 2014

Inspirational Lass - Shauna Docherty

Please say hello to this beautiful 12 year old lass Shauna Docherty, from Glasgow. Tomorrow, Saturday 5th April, Shauna is getting her hair cut from waist to shoulder length! 

Inspired by her awesome Mum, Joanne, who is walking 5 UK Kiltwalks AND Machu Pichu for Oor Kids and SiMBA, Shauna wanted to raise funds too. Shauna says her Mum and Mum's friends are all champs for doing such incredible challenges. But we think Shauna is AMAZING!

And she is also donating her ponytail to a worthy cause that makes wigs for children the suffer with hair loss through cancer treatment called Princess Trust:

Please donate what you can, every single pound helps both charities make such a huge difference - and do leave a message of support for this big hearted lass here -

Monday, 31 March 2014

Highland Journal April 2014

Welcome to the April 2014 edition of the SiMBA Highland Journal! 

The beginning of 2014 has proven to be a busy time with so many events happening throughout the UK for SiMBA as the charity continues to respond to the needs of those affected by the loss of a baby.

Tain Royal Academy Youth Philanthropy Initiative 

In November 2013 I was delighted to receive a phone call from Eilidh, a 3rd year student at Tain Royal Academy. She and fellow pupils Georgia, Jordan and Becky, had chosen SiMBA as the charity they wished to represent at the Youth Philanthropy Initiative. As well as raising awareness of the charity, each group that wins for their charity receives a cheque for £3,000.

It was so heart-warming to meet with the students, who showed a great deal of understanding of the empathetic approach required in promoting SiMBA charity. We were delighted when they reached the final whoch was held on 28th March 2014. Though the girls did not win we are so proud of how well they represented SiMBA and very grateful for their hard work.

Thank you also to our SiMBA Volunteers Marion Hamilton and Megan Foulis who worked very hard with the students.

Caithness andSutherland Midwifery Forum 

My SiMBA co-facilitator Irene and I were pleased to be invited to attend the February meeting of the Midwifery Forum for Caithness & Sutherland. This busy team covers one of the largest, most rural areas of NHS Highland, working in the community and at the Henderson Maternity Unit in Caithness General Hospital.

It was good to share with them about the work of SiMBA throughout the UK and specifically in the Highlands, and to talk about how together we can respond to the needs of their patients who go through the tragedy of miscarriage, stillbirth or neo-natal death.

SiMBA Office, Dunbar

In Feb 2014 Irene and I enjoyed our first visit to SiMBA HQ in Dunbar. Volunteers are welcomed here on a daily basis by Sara Fitzsimmons, Charity Director, Gillian Wells, Office Administrator, and Danielle, Office Receptionist. If you would like to volunteer to help pack Memory Boxes or get ready for some of the events SiMBA runs, contact Gillian on

Cake Sale at Scottish Marine Institute

SiMBA were delighted to receive £130 from The Scottish Marine Institute who held a Cake Sale at their workplace. This has been given to SiMBA via the SiMBA Great Glen Challenge.

Golspie Quiz Night

The Northern contingent of #KayakTeamSiMBA held a very successful Quiz Night, brilliantly compared by Malcolm. Funds raised on the night have been given to SiMBA via the SiMBA Great Glen Challenge.

Scottish Cot Death Trust

I was delighted to be invited by Lynda Bathgate, Community Services Nurse with the Scottish Cot Death Trust to join her at a Paediatric Bereavement Study Event held at Raigmore Hospital in March. It was an interesting event bringing together professionals from SUDI, Scottish Ambulance Service, Police Scotland, Hospital Services, Chaplaincy Services, Registrar’s Services and GP Services. Lynda and I hope to liaise on more events throughout the Highlands and Islands in the future.

SiMBA Cinderella Ball, 15th Mar 2014

The SiMBA Cinderella Ball was a prestigious Black Tie event at The George Hotel in Edinburgh ~ it was an incredible evening and was a unique way to support SiMBA. Our hosts for the evening are Grant Stott and Marie Clair Munro who helped SiMBA raise an incredible amount of money. The surprise for me of the evening was the announcement that SiMBA wish me to take on the role as Charity Ambassador to the Highlands and Islands, a huge honour and privilege.

Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes

On the 17th March one of our SiMBA Volunteers Jane Philip was delighted on behalf of SiMBA to receive a cheque for £100 from the RAOB Elgin branch. We are very grateful to Drew and his fellow chapter members for their support of SiMBA.

Soroptomists International Inverness and Nairn

The members of the Inverness and Nairn branch of Soroptomist International continue to support the work of the charity in their area. They held a very successful coffee morning in March in Inverness to raise funds and awareness for the charity and I was honoured to be able to attend. We are very grateful for the work that the group does to promote the charity and enable us to reach those whom the charity can support.

Inverness High School

I was delighted to meet with a fantastic group of 3rd year students in March at Inverness High School They have chosen SiMBA as the charity they wish to represent in their Youth Philanthropy Initiative. We want to thank them for choosing the charity and wish them all the best as they put their presentation together.

Miami Quiz Night Tue 15th April 7.30pm

The SiMBA Quiz Night will be a great evening of fun as teams of 4 & 5 compete as they battle it out to become Quiz Champions! There will be a fantastic raffle on the evening and Miami Nightclub, 39 High St, Inverness, are offering great prices on their drinks.

For more information click HERE

Inverness Support Group meets Thur 24th April 7pm 

The Inverness Support Group continues to meet on the last Thursday of the month from 7-9pm at the Hilton Lighthouse ( Do pop by for a coffee/tea and chat in a warm, welcoming setting, and bring any photos or memory items you wish to share.

It is not a professional counselling group, all our group facilitators have had training and certification from the Child Bereavement Charity.

Contact Susan on 07771358382 or email for more information or to arrange a lift. Find us HERE on Facebook!

Oban Support Group meets Fri 26th April 7pm

The Oban Support Group continues to meet on the last Friday of the month from 7-9pm at the Regent Hotel ( Do pop by for a coffee/tea and chat in a warm, welcoming setting, and bring any photos or memory items you wish to share.

It is not a professional counselling group, all our group facilitators have had training and certification from the Child Bereavement Charity.

Contact Susan on 07771358382 / 01631 720107 or email for more information or to arrange a lift. Find us HERE on Facebook.

Annual Butterfly Release, Oban, 28th June

SiMBA are delighted to host the first Annual Butterfly Release in the Oban area on 28th June 2014.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for this please email Susan on 

SiMBA 2014 Great Glen Challenge, 29th Jul – 1st Aug

Highland SiMBA are incredibly excited about this momentous challenge for 2014! 

From Tues 29th July to Friday 1st Aug 2014, 29 brave souls will be paddling by kayak or Canadian canoe from Fort William to Inverness along the Great Glen. 92km, 22 miles of canal, 4 days, 4 lochs, and 1 monster!

Applications to join as a kayaker / canoeist have now closed but we are still looking for volunteers to help on shore. Contact Susan on 07771358382 or for further information and to volunteer or sponsor a kayak/canoe.

Please do stop by and like our page HERE.

Annual Butterfly Release, Inverness, 2nd Aug

We are already taking enquiries about the Annual Butterfly Release to mark the planting of the Inverness Tree of Tranquility. It will be held on Sat 2nd Aug 2014. 

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for this please email Susan on 

Please do join us HERE on Facebook.

If you wish information on any of the items included here, would like to volunteer for SiMBA, or would like to invite me to talk to a group, please contact me on 07771358382 or email

Kind regards

Susan Simpson

SiMBA Highland Ambassador

Monday, 24 March 2014

Highland Midwives, BBCAlba

This is being shown tomorrow evening. It was filmed in November 2010, less than 8 weeks after we had lost Eilidh Beth to stillbirth and before I had started volunteering for SiMBA. I will always be grateful to Fiona Mundell for suggesting to Mairead, the producer that they chat to me as I fully believe that this helped me believe that I could achieve something that would help others touched by this loss. 

I think it was shortly after filming that I spoke to SiMBA cofounder and Charity Director Sara ... the rest is, as they say, history!

And what is even more special is that this episode features some amazing health professionals! Donna was Eilidh Beth's midwife and will forever be special to us. Marion was a great source of comfort at the surgery and as for Etta ... she is a rock! And is doing so much for SiMBA! 

"In this programme, community midwife Marion Young takes us to meet some mums and babies at home. Back in the hospital Donna Macleod is keeping a close eye on a mum who is having contractions after slipping on ice.

Annie MacLean goes about her daily routine in the Special Care Baby Unit while Eilidh Lucas explains the emotional roller coaster she's been on since her twin daughter was admitted. Next door in Labour Suite, midwife Janeen has been looking after Valerie and Trevor for the whole of her shift; will the baby be born before she finishes? Who better than experienced midwife Etta Mackay to give advice on breastfeeding? We catch up with Catherine Anne as she visits her community midwife and hear how Susan Simpson and her family use their own heartbreaking experience to help others."

Friday, 21 March 2014

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Day 14 ~ "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.

Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." ~Margaret Mead (1901-1978, American cultural anthropologist and speaker)

Today's snap of happiness was spent with two of the amazing volunteers we have for SiMBA in Oban! Each one if us has been affected by the loss of a baby, either through losing our baby or through losing a sibling. 

But each one if us is determined to do all that we can to raise funds and awareness for the charity that encourages us to celebrate that our babies or sibling babies were here. And in celebrating them and remembering them we can smile and we can find happiness and not feel guilty about it!

I was struck by how fortunate I am to work with a small but brilliant group of people in Argyll, the Highlands and Islands willing to go that extra mile for SiMBA! Together we are reaching the most remote and rural areas of this part of Scotland and not only does that make me happy but also makes me incredibly proud! And makes my role as Highland Ambassador for SiMBA so much easier! 

Thank you so much to each and every volunteer we have! Together we are making such a difference!

#100HappyDays #Citrils100HappyDays #Day14