About SiMBA, Simpson’s Memory Box Appeal

~ About SiMBA, Simpson’s Memory Box Appeal ~

Pregnancy is one of the most life changing & wondrous experiences for a couple to go through. For many women the bond with their baby is strong from early in the pregnancy, especially when they see their baby in scans, hear their baby’s heartbeat, feel their baby’s first movements and when their bodies start to change with the new life growing within them.

Susan pregnant with her youngest daughter Eilidh Beth
When a woman loses her much loved & wanted baby before, during or after birth, it can be an incredibly traumatic experience for her, her partner & their family & friends.

SiMBA, Simpson’s Memory Box Appeal was founded in October 2005 by a team of committed individuals determined to respond empathetically & proactively to the needs of families affected by the loss of their baby. The families who have suffered the loss of their beloved baby have been instrumental in the support that SiMBA is able to offer, and many individuals, organisations and businesses have generously supported SiMBA in our fundraising efforts. In 2007 SiMBA was officially registered as a Scottish Charity.

SiMBA is about memories. We help you to gather precious items for your Memory Box which we provide. We understand the importance of spending time with your baby in our Family Room. Adding a leaf on a Tree of Tranquillity shows that you are not alone in your loss, and acts as a place to remember and reflect. We are here to honour babies who have died, been stillborn or miscarried.

SiMBA Memory Boxes:

The distress of leaving hospital with empty arms cannot be described in words. SiMBA endeavours to ensure that bereaved parents can form as many memories as they can of their treasured baby. The Memory Box, a treasure trove of timeless memories, was introduced to Simpson’s Centre for Reproductive Health in Edinburgh as the result of a donation from a bereaved parent and has since given comfort to many parents through difficult times. The Blanket of Love (started in Australia in 1992 & established in Scotland in 2000 by Peggy Kerr who had experienced the heartache caused by the loss of her baby son many years ago and the more recent loss of her granddaughter) is placed with their baby soon after birth & remains with their baby until parents choose to have it returned to the box. Hand & foot prints can be taken, and an irreplaceable lock of hair can be placed in the box too. The knitted items, provided to SiMBA by Bonnie Babies (www.bonniebabies.co.uk), are carefully placed with the baby & the box has 2 teddies and it’s a treasured memory that parents take with them remembering their baby’s size beside them. Parents can choose to keep one teddy and leave one with their baby. The birth acknowledgement certificate acknowledges that their beloved baby lived, no matter how short his or her life was.

SiMBA now has introduced Memory Boxes into the following hospitals:

·        Simpson’s in Edinburgh
·        St John’s in Livingston
·        Borders General Maternity
·        Wishaw Neonatal Unit
·        Stirling Maternity
·        Princess Royal Maternity & Neonatal unit in Glasgow
·        Southern General in Glasgow
·        Royal Alexandra in Paisley
·        Raigmore Maternity & Neonatal units in Inverness
·        Lorn & Isle’s District General Hospital Maternity in Oban
·        Belford Hospital in Fort William
·        Mackinnon Memorial Hospital on the Isle of Skye

SiMBA aims to provide the precious Memory Box to any Maternity Unit which wishes to have them, as we believe that anyone who suffers the loss of a baby deserves the simple, but precious box which acknowledges their baby’s time on this earth. The gift of a Memory Box is priceless. Spending time with your baby is priceless.  Acknowledging your baby is priceless.

Trees of Tranquillity:

The SiMBA Tree of Tranquillity is a stunning hand crafted, life sized sculpture, made from re-cycled metals, which has been created in response to the needs of parents.  The Tree’s design is unique to SiMBA, and is adorned with individual leaves, which each represent a baby and can be engraved with a personal message. Its aim is to offer bereaved parents the opportunity to honour their baby in a simple, quiet way and will effectively ‘grow’ as leaves are added. The Tree of Tranquillity is not just for the newly bereaved but also parents who sadly lost their baby years ago and were perhaps provided with little or no recognition of their baby’s existence. The Tree will provide the means to express a private and public declaration in memory of the lost hopes and dreams for the baby. It is a beautiful symbol of remembrance.

One of SiMBA’s aims is to have a Tree of Tranquillity in every maternity district so that anyone who has ever suffered the loss of a baby has an opportunity to attach their leaf to a Tree close to their home.

SiMBA, at your request, shall send you a leaf for any of the Tree of Tranquillities, which you can then have engraved and return to us in the envelope we provide. Leaves are periodically added to the Tree. SiMBA currently has trees within Saughton Winter Gardens, off Balgreen Road in Edinburgh; in Galashiels at Old Gala House, 3 Scott Crescent; in the Floral Hall in Inverness; and is in talks with other Councils in Scotland to erect more Trees of Tranquillity.

Family Rooms:

SiMBA aims to provide Family Rooms within all maternity units who wish to have them, which will offer parents the opportunity to spend further precious time with and prepare to say goodbye to their baby in peaceful and private accommodation.  They are ideally positioned away from the main wards but with maternity staff and medical facilities on hand.  Family members and friends may also visit if desired. SiMBA provides funding to agreed budgets and works closely with the hospitals to meet their specific needs. 

Charity Staff: 

Executive Charity Director Sara Fitzimmons

Tam Waterson, SiMBA Director & Chair

Tracey Drever, SiMBA Director & Treasurer

Mary Baxter, SiMBA Director & Director of Support

Trustees ~ Donna Hanley, Pamela Ross (SIMBA facilitator), Karen Hastings, Sara Fitzsimmons & Maria Roarty

Susan Simpson, SiMBA Highland Coordinator

Charity Patrons: 

SiMBA Patron Grant Stott with Sara

SiMBA Patron & North of England Rep Clint Boon with Sara

Charity Ambassador:

SiMBA Ambassador Lisa Hague (centre) with Sara and Dian

SiMBA website ~ www.simbacharity.org.uk

The web site also has information on recent fundraising events by the SiMBA Team and our supporters.

Scottish Registered Charity Number SC038243

Office address:

SiMBA, Simpson’s Memory Box Appeal
Dalmatian House
Spott Road
East Lothian
EH42 1LE

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