SiMBA, Simpson's Memory Box Appeal was formed in 2005 to respond to the needs of those affected by the loss of a baby. Susan is SiMBA's Highland Ambassador and joined the SiMBA team in 2011. Her vision is to see SiMBA reach the most rural areas of Scotland's Highlands & Islands. Susan posts about her family & home life as well as charity work and events
Monday, 31 March 2014
Highland Journal April 2014
Monday, 24 March 2014
Highland Midwives, BBCAlba
This is being shown tomorrow evening. It was filmed in November 2010, less than 8 weeks after we had lost Eilidh Beth to stillbirth and before I had started volunteering for SiMBA. I will always be grateful to Fiona Mundell for suggesting to Mairead, the producer that they chat to me as I fully believe that this helped me believe that I could achieve something that would help others touched by this loss.
I think it was shortly after filming that I spoke to SiMBA cofounder and Charity Director Sara ... the rest is, as they say, history!
And what is even more special is that this episode features some amazing health professionals! Donna was Eilidh Beth's midwife and will forever be special to us. Marion was a great source of comfort at the surgery and as for Etta ... she is a rock! And is doing so much for SiMBA!
"In this programme, community midwife Marion Young takes us to meet some mums and babies at home. Back in the hospital Donna Macleod is keeping a close eye on a mum who is having contractions after slipping on ice.
Annie MacLean goes about her daily routine in the Special Care Baby Unit while Eilidh Lucas explains the emotional roller coaster she's been on since her twin daughter was admitted. Next door in Labour Suite, midwife Janeen has been looking after Valerie and Trevor for the whole of her shift; will the baby be born before she finishes? Who better than experienced midwife Etta Mackay to give advice on breastfeeding? We catch up with Catherine Anne as she visits her community midwife and hear how Susan Simpson and her family use their own heartbreaking experience to help others."
Friday, 21 March 2014
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Day 14 ~ "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." ~Margaret Mead (1901-1978, American cultural anthropologist and speaker)
Today's snap of happiness was spent with two of the amazing volunteers we have for SiMBA in Oban! Each one if us has been affected by the loss of a baby, either through losing our baby or through losing a sibling.
But each one if us is determined to do all that we can to raise funds and awareness for the charity that encourages us to celebrate that our babies or sibling babies were here. And in celebrating them and remembering them we can smile and we can find happiness and not feel guilty about it!
I was struck by how fortunate I am to work with a small but brilliant group of people in Argyll, the Highlands and Islands willing to go that extra mile for SiMBA! Together we are reaching the most remote and rural areas of this part of Scotland and not only does that make me happy but also makes me incredibly proud! And makes my role as Highland Ambassador for SiMBA so much easier!
Thank you so much to each and every volunteer we have! Together we are making such a difference!
#100HappyDays #Citrils100HappyDays #Day14
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts."
Day 11 ~ "Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts."
I grew up in a family and extended family where humour was a daily occurrence whether you liked it or not!! ;)
When I popped in to Mum and Dad's today, as I made my coffee I noticed four peeled spuds! I had a few spare minutes .... and a pen ....
Later in the day I got a message from Mum who had discovered the four spuds staring at her in the kitchen!
So today's happiness was a renewed appreciation of my family members' sense of humour and fun!
#100HappyDays #Citrils100HappyDays #Day11
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
"It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." ~Sir Edmund Hillary
Day 12 ~ "It is not the mountain
we conquer, but ourselves." ~Sir Edmund Hillary
Today's happy moment captured is at Oban Canoe Club's pool session, trying to get my stroke right! I am incredibly excited about the Great Glen Challenge for SiMBA and am so thankful for the amazing group of 29 folk who have banded together to do this!
#100HappyDays #Citrils100HappyDays #Day12
Monday, 17 March 2014
would you not then still have your childhood, that precious, kingly possession, that treasure-house of memories?
Day 10 ~ "And even if you were in some prison, the walls of which let none of the sounds of the world come to your senses - would you not then still have your childhood, that precious, kingly possession, that treasure-house of memories?" ~Rainer Maria Rilke
Today's happy moment really makes me smile! Niamh found this old photo of Ali and Cheech! Not a clue where it came from! I swear I haven't seen it on years!
But now lots if happy memories clamber in when I look at this! What a joy to share happy memories with a close family!
#100HappyDays #Citrils100HappyDays #Day10
SiMBA Donation Thank You
Many thanks to Jane Philip for representing SiMBA this evening and accepting the very generous donation of £100 from the Elgin branch of The Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (RAOB).
The RAOB is one of the largest fraternal organisations in the United Kingdom and was started in 1822.
The RAOB assists and supports members, their families, dependents of former members and other charitable organisations, living by their motto "No Man Is At All Times Wise" with the maxim of "Justice, Truth and Philanthropy".
SiMBA is very grateful to Elgin RAOB for their kind donation and support.
Highland SiMBA & the Inverness Tree of Tranquility
This is a wee video showing how we support those affected by the loss of a baby.
Sunday, 16 March 2014
"When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses."
Day 9 ~ "When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses." ~Joyce Brothers
Today, as every day, I hold on to the happiness that is my family! We are so blessed with all that we are able to do and experience together. We have made so many incredible memories!
#100HappyDays #Citrils100HappyDays #Day9
Friday, 14 March 2014
And thou shalt in thy daughter see, This picture, once, resembled thee.
Day 7 ~ "And thou shalt in thy daughter see,
This picture, once, resembled thee."
~Ambrose Philips
Today's photo of happiness needs so little explanation doesn't it?! Our daughters truly are the light of my life, my joy, my inspiration and my happiness. They make me complete! And they are crazy little chicks with a wicked sense if humour and an endless amount of fun!
Charis & Niamh, thank you for being my pride and my everlasting happiness!
#100HappyDays #Citrils100HappyDays #Day7
Thursday, 13 March 2014
"We all grow up with the weight of history on us."
Day 6 ~ "We all grow up with the weight of history on us. Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies." ~Shirley Abbott
Today's happiness was in meeting members of our family that we never knew we had! John Harvey traced my Dad through the Commando Association. John's Dad and Dad's Dad were brothers - and Dad's Dad died 2 months before Dad was born.
It was wonderful to spend some time with long lost family and feel such a sense of kindredness and to feel so completely at home with them!
So looking forward to more time spent with John, Anne and their family. Niamh in particular is very taken with her new 3rd cousins!! :)
#100HappyDays #CitrilsHappyDays #Day6
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Every great dream begins with a dreamer
Day 4 ~ "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
~Harriet Tubman
Today's happy moment was in the sunset over Ardmucknish Bay, reminding me of how blessed we are to have this view and be surrounded by God's creation.
Since having Charis I had a dream of being my family home to Argyll. Andrew has always loved this area too, but it took a period of too much loss for us to finally reach home. But out of the darkness light always shines and we have now been home for over a year!
#100HappyDays #Citrils100HappyDays #Day4
Monday, 10 March 2014
"This is how I define talent; it is a gift that God has given us in secret, which we reveal without knowing it." ~Charles De Montesquieu
Today's happy moment came in the post! Charis received this with a letter saying that her Monster Poem, Dark Twilight, is being published. So pleased for her and proud of her and so delighted that she is in a school that encourages and supports pupils to pursue their dreams and stretch themselves!
Huge thanks to her teacher Miss Marwick for encouraging Charis and her fellow students in their poetry!
#100HappyDays #Citrils100HappyDays #Day3
Sunday, 9 March 2014
All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it." ~ Samuel Butler
Day 2 ~ "All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it." ~ Samuel Butler
Today's happiness lay in watching Sooty, the girls' black cat, watching Tara, Charis's rat!
We are so blessed to have these creatures in our homes, trusting us to love them and care for them. Granted I could do without the presents of headless mice but we are very thankful for the four furballs who share our home and hearts.
When we lose our baby absolutely nothing can replace them or fill the emptiness in our heart, soul and life. But what a God send our pets can be. They often seem to have a deep understanding that we need them to remain close by our sides as we adjust to a life without something so precious and vital to our health and well being as our baby.
#100HappyDays #Citrils100HappyDays #Day2
Saturday, 8 March 2014
'Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it.'
• The daughter I never thought we'd have, having been told by 2 different doctors I couldn't have children.
• A reminder of my happy childhood and my days with the ponies when Achnalarig Stables were at Connel, riding with so many great folk.
• The realisation of my dream to bring Andrew and the girls to live in and grow up in Argyll!
#100HappyDays #Citrils100HappyDays #Day1
Friday, 7 March 2014
Can you be happy for 100 days?
It can be too easy to get caught up in our busy lives. And when you have suffered great loss, whether that be your health, your job, a loved one or your baby, it can be so incredibly difficult to see the positive in anything anymore. The days and hours just meld in to one long period of misery and heart ache.