Friday, 4 April 2014

Inspirational Lass - Shauna Docherty

Please say hello to this beautiful 12 year old lass Shauna Docherty, from Glasgow. Tomorrow, Saturday 5th April, Shauna is getting her hair cut from waist to shoulder length! 

Inspired by her awesome Mum, Joanne, who is walking 5 UK Kiltwalks AND Machu Pichu for Oor Kids and SiMBA, Shauna wanted to raise funds too. Shauna says her Mum and Mum's friends are all champs for doing such incredible challenges. But we think Shauna is AMAZING!

And she is also donating her ponytail to a worthy cause that makes wigs for children the suffer with hair loss through cancer treatment called Princess Trust:

Please donate what you can, every single pound helps both charities make such a huge difference - and do leave a message of support for this big hearted lass here -